Tag Archives: demons

To Change or Not to Change?

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In this process of trying to succeed at my New Year’s resolution, I have had time to reflect on the direction my life is heading. I am facing my demons and I am proud to say that I am kicking ass and taking names.

In this last month, a lot has been revealed. My relationships with the people around me are dramatically changing…literally. The circle of those that I keep close to me are reducing happily in size. My senses are beginning to unveil what is real and what is fabricated and I am glad that things are finally coming into light, but why now?

What has changed? Who has changed? Is it me? After December, reality hit me. I needed to take a step back and look at my life and where I plan on heading versus where I’m currently heading. The path that I was taking wasn’t for me. It was always the hatred for the past and my shredded childhood. It was the frustration of never being recognized for the hard work or the helping hand. It was the loneliness and abandonment of a previous life that I no longer wanted to live anymore.

Everything around me was crashing, until I changed. Or did I just improve?

My main goal at this time is learning patience. I don’t have any. I need to remember to stay positive and avoid negativity, especially when it does not involve me. I not getting any younger, but I still have all the time to make my life the life I want it to be. I just want to be happy and at this point…Im on the verge!

“You’re not changing. You’re improving.”